Thursday, November 15, 2007

Preparing for "shift" change

Today we relaxed at the hotel. Sean had a little bit of a fever yesterday evening and this morning. So, we decided to take it easy. Thankfully, by this afternoon Sean was fine, so we think he was just overtired or possibly fighting a cold. Either way, we thought it was best just to have a relaxing day for him to rest. So, we just played at the hotel and watched TV. At some point both of the kids were napping at the same time (Woohoo! That never happens!), so I went out to the local baby store to pick up something we needed and Gary stayed "home" to babysitt. The store is very close and was an easy walk. Although, it was a little strange for me to be out without both of the kids and all of the "gear". Oh, and to be out without Gary too. haha But it was a nice walk and it was such a pretty day to get some fresh air. We are trying to run any errands and things that need to be done so that I have everything I need before Gary and Sean leave.

For those of you that don't know, Gary and Sean will be leaving Colombia on Saturday. Gary needs to get back to work and he will bring Sean home, as it would be pretty tough to leave Sean here for me to watch, along with Isabella in the hotel here. So, thankfully Gary's Mom (a.k.a.- Grandmommy) is coming down from Virginia and will be going to Jacksonville to watch Sean for us, while Gary is at work. (Thank you SO much Grandmommy!) Then next Saturday (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) my Mom will be coming to Colombia to stay here with Isabella and me! Yeah! She will be staying with us until we come home. So, after being here alone for a week, it will be nice to have some company. And of course, I know Isabella will be excited to meet Nana.

Since Gary and Sean are leaving Saturday, we wanted to make sure we did something else before they left. So, tomorrow we will be going out with about 6-7 other families to a large park that is about 20 minutes away. It sounds like it is a nice place and it will have a lot of space for the older kids to run around and play. The woman that cooks the food here will be making sandwiches for all of us to take to the park. So, we will be able to have a picnic while we're out there. I'm sure it will be a nice time, and we'll make sure to take some pics of all of the kids.

Well, that's latest from Colombia. We hope each of you are doing well and that you are enjoying the posts and the pics. We love you all.

Buenas noches from Colombia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of big brother feeding his sister. Hope Sean feels better and the fevers are gone. Sounds as if you have a nice day planned for tomorrow.
The grandmothers are getting their things in order. Our services are on the way. Can't wait to see you and introduce myself to my new granddaughter.