Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Days

As each day passes, I realize how quickly time goes by. After celebrating both of Sean and Isabella's birthdays, it just reminds me of how big they are getting. I am partly sad to see our kids grow up so fast, but at the same time, I love seeing them (and us) reach new milestones. The following two pictures were taken on Sean's first day of "school".

The first picture is of Sean all dressed and ready to go with his new backpack. Oh, and I can't forget to mention "puppy" that is with him. "Puppy" doesn't go to school with Sean, but he waits for him in Mommy's car. :) Sean loves "school". It is actually a MMO (Mother's Morning Out) program. Sean goes three times a week and is there for almost four hours. It has been great for him, and he is having the best time. Many times when we drive to his school in the morning, he says to me "I'm excited!"

The second picture is of Isabella on Sean's first day of school. It is her first morning that she is able to play with all of the toys in our family room without big brother Sean over her shoulder. She is doing great, as well. I think she likes having that alone time at home, and some time to have Mommy all to herself. Although, I have to say that she does miss Sean during the day. It is so cute to see her face when I tell her it's time to go get Sean from school. She just gets the biggest smile on her face.

Una Fiesta Con Nuestra Familia

(Translation: A party with our family!)

I know this is a little late, but here are some photos from Sean and Isabella's birthday party with some of our family.

What is all this stuff?

Big cousins help to blow out candles.

Sean's face is priceless, and Isabella isn't sure about the candles. :)

He's so excited he gave his forced "cheese" smile. haha

Woohoo! More toys!

I love my duck!