Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One Party Down.... One To Go

Here are some pictures from Sean and Isabella's birthday party with friends. Our house was filled with "soon-to-be" three-year-olds and "soon-to-be" one-year-olds - all running and crawling around. It was so cute. The kids had fun playing outside in the pool and slip 'n slide. And then afterwards, everyone cooled off eating ice-cream! You'll also see in the last picture that our dog had a GREAT time cleaning up after all the kids. haha

This coming weekend, we will have a "family" birthday party. Wow, these kids are celebrating their birthday all month so far. haha

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I'm THREE!!!

And just one day later, on August 2nd, Sean turned THREE! Wow, he is getting so big. He loved celebrating Isabella's birthday with her, but was very happy to know his birthday was the next day. haha Here he is enjoying his day!

Opening presents - it's serious business!

I love my train conductor outfit! (We think he lived in it for 3 days!)

I must get to work!

Yeah, finally MY cupcake!

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I'm ONE!!!

On August 1st, Isabella turned ONE!!! We can't believe that she is one already. We have had such an amazing time with her, and are so thankful to have her in our family.

I'm not so sure about this....

What is that thing?

Opening presents!

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Summer Vacation Fun

It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over! We have been having so much fun that I have not sat down to post some pictures. So, here are some from our summer travels. We have had a great time visiting and traveling with both sides of the family.

Gary and Sean having fun on a tube in Virginia.

Sean getting to drive Grandaddy's boat

Deborah taking Sean out on a Seadoo (jetski)

Meeting SpongeBob at Kings Dominion

Having fun with Virginia cousins at Kings Dominion!

Sean and Alli taking a ride!

Posing with Florida cousins at the Children's Museum in Indiana

Mommy and Sean hugging on a merry-go-round

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