Saturday, November 24, 2007

Kissy, Kissies Delivered

Nana is here! She arrived this afternoon, and she has been enjoying every minute with Izzie. But the pictures for this entry of our blog are special for Grandmommy. Nana (Deborah's Mom) wanted to make sure that Grandmommy (Gary's Mom) knew that she delivered kissy, kissies for her. Nana told Izzie that Grandmommy would be able to give them to her herself as soon as we got home. After all, Grandmommy is waiting for us in Florida, and is watching "big brother", Sean, while Gary is at work.

We didn't do very much today, as most of the day was getting ready for Nana to arrive, and then we drove to the airport to pick Nana up. The rest of the afternoon Nana just enjoyed playing with Izzie, and I was of course, very happy to have some company. Tomorrow we will be going out for a walk again to a local market. We will be going with several other families again, so it should be fun.

We hope you enjoy the pictures from tonight. The lighting was a little bad, but they came out good enough to see the kisses! :) Well, Izzie and Nana are already in bed, so I better do the same. Izzie wakes up early.

Buenas Noches from Colombia.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Buenas Noches from Florida!

Just catching up on all the blogs I missed. You are glowing, Deborah! Izzie looks very happy and beautiful as ever. Thanksgiving was great and it looked like yours was nice. We made it home and I am NOT travelling until after my baby girl arrives! Looking at your baby girl makes me long for my little one to come...or maybe it is me not being patient!? lol Take care and thanks for the posts and pics.