Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our First Step Toward Coming Home

Today we had our integration meeting with the adoption officials. We were a little bit nervous about going to the meeting since one of the families in our hotel had a difficult meeting with them. We were hoping that the day that they had their meeting was just a day that the person was having a "bad day". So, we just did our best to go into the meeting positive and hope for the best. Thankfully everything went very well! Gary was teasing me after the meeting because I was planning on speaking some Spanish during the meeting, which sometimes can help in these meeting and can be viewed very positively. But heading into the meeting, I was a little nervous because I was scared that I wouldn't be able to understand them or say what I wanted to. So, after the meeting was over, Gary teased me because he said I went in there and it all my Spanish just came pouring out. So, I guess I really do know more Spanish than I think I do. I must have paid attention to my grandmother when she was speaking it in our house. :) Sean also impressed the lady at the meeting and smiled very sweetly and gave her a gift from us. She thought it was so cute. And Isabella just sat there sleeping the entire time. The lady thought that was cute too. So, I don't know which helped us more.... Gary and I? Or our two adorable kids? :)
After the meeting with the adoption official, we then went back to Isabella and Sean's "casa privada" to get a tour. It was nice to see everything again, and it looked about the same as how things were two years ago. However, some things had changed and they have more programs and facilities in place now. This organization provides resources for pregnant women, children in crisis situations and abandoned children. It really is so nice to see all of the services that are available for the women and children.
Once we were done with all of our adoption responsibilties for the day, we came back to the hotel and had some play time. The kids played and we watched them. It has been very special for us to have Sean back in Colombia with us, and also to have him here to meet and play with his sister. We also think the adoption officials and staff at the casa privada were thrilled to see one of their children growing up so well.

Well, it was a late night over here. We stayed up to watch a movie tonight with some of the other families. The movie is called "Las Hijas" and it is about three girls who were adopted from Colombia around 20 years ago. It follows them for a little bit and highlights their thoughts about adoption. It was very good. Gary, however, stayed in the other room with a couple of the other other Dads and some of the older kids to watch Disney's "Cars" movie. So, after our busy day, we are ready for bed.

Lots of love to you all.

Buenas Noches from Colombia.


Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you had a very productive day. Glad everything went well in your meetings.
Your dad is happy that you listened to his mother and retained a good amount of your spanish.
The pictures are adorable of big brother and his sister.
Can't wait to meet and hold Isabella.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful baby Isabella is.All four of you make a perfect family. A son and daughter, how wonderful is that? I am reading your blog and enjoying the pictures each day. Blessings to all of you. Karen Davis (Amberly's mom)

Anonymous said...


We are so happy for you. Your family is beautiful. Much love!

Mimi said...

I miss ya and feel very privilaged to be able to view your blog. This is such a personal and emotional time for you and your family. Thanks for sharing. By the looks of the pictures, Sean is taking a liking to his sister!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you guys and I'm so happy for you!!! It sounds like everything is going great! I can't wait to see you and Sean and meet Isabella! Hugs and Best Wishes!


Jen said...

I am glad things are going great for you over there. The picture of Sean kissing Isabella is priceless. I will be able to have the same picture tomorrow when Alexis comes home from the hospital. We got the call today. Just thought I would pass that along to you since you aren't checking emails much. We miss you very much here back at home.