Saturday, November 10, 2007

Play time with the kids

Hola from Colombia! We're sorry we didn't post yesterday, but it turned into a busy day. And then most of today we have been unable to get online. So, what have we been up to since we last posted?

Daddy and Isabella had a nice day together yesterday. We decided it was time (per our last post) to make sure Mommy and Sean had some special time together. So, in doing that, Daddy and Izzie got to play and hang out. As you can see from the pics, Daddy got some nice shots of Isabella. She has the most beautiful smile and Gary was so happy to be able to capture it.

Mommy and Sean had a fun day yesterday too. We spent a lot of time together and it seemed to help with the jealousy a little bit. As you can see from the pic (that Gary took while I was sleeping - sneaky isn't it?) Sean and Mommy were worn out after playing basketball, tickling attacks and eating popcorn. We both needed a nap! :) Okay, it was because Sean kept us up the night before. Yes, it was our two-year-old and not the three-month-old that kept us up. hahah

Today we didn't do very much. We went out grocery shopping again, and got caught in the rain AGAIN on the way home. Do you see a trend starting here? The same thing happened to us last time. But this time it was with 2 kids, instead of one. haha We also spent some time in the hotel and Sean played with some of the other kids here. So, he was able to burn off some steam.

Tomorrow, we will be going on a tour. We are pretty excited. It will be nice to get out of the hotel and see some of Colombia. Our favorite driver is coming to get us tomorrow morning, and we expect to be gone a good part of the day. But if you want to see where we are going, here is the link: We are going to visit the Salt Cathedral that we have heard about from many people, so we are looking forward to it.

Well, both kids are asleep, so I better go take advantage of some quiet time. We hope each of you are doing well, and we miss you all. We'll post more tomorrow. Thanks again for all of your comments. We love them.

Buenas Noches from Colombia.


Mimi said...

Good to hear you are going to do some site seeing. The pics are awesome, keep them coming! You are right your daughter's (don't you love the sound of that?)smile is beautiful. Miss ya and if I don't get a chance to say so, Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does she look like Sean? I hope you don't mind but I have Isabella's picture taped inside The Book (my home study/ dossier/ keep myself organized book of paperwork) for Baby #2. You all are such an inspiration to me. We were thinking that Olivia would stay at home with Grammy but now seeing the pictures of your kids together...we are re-thinking our plans! Glad to see you are getting some sleep. Go shopping in the morning! You have a better chance of staying dry if I remember correctly. Give the sweet ones kisses from us! Jen

Unknown said...

The smile is precious. The nap is needed and all is well with the world (in Colombia). We miss you. Love reading and rereading your blog.
Waiting for Gary and Sean to hear all about being a REAL big brother.
Love you.