Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year from our Home!

Happy New Year to all of you! As you can see we made it home! We arrived in Miami, Florida on Wednesday, December 19th. It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone at the airport and especially nice to get a huge hug and kiss from Sean....okay, and Gary too! :) Obviously, it has been quite a bit since I posted, but it has been very busy since we got home. Between getting Isabella settled and celebrating the holidays, it has been pretty hectic over here. But we are loving every minute of it. We truly enjoyed celebrating Christmas with the kids, as well as watching them get to know one another. They are doing great, and having fun with one another. It's just so cute to see.
As I write this, we are approaching the new year in about an hour. We are so thankful to have had a wonderful year last year, with it ending with the adoption of Isabella. Our hope is that we have an even better one next year, with lots of happiness, good health, and wonderful memories. Our hope is the same for all of you. Thank you to each and every one of you for your support, love, and of course comments and emails. Our adoption journey was even more special, as we were able to share it with you.
I am going to sign off to get ready for the new year, but please know that we will continue to post to this blog and give you updates on our family. Happy Holidays to all fo you, and have a wonderful New Year.
Hopefully we'll get to see you all soon, and introduce you to Isabella.
Lots of love -
The Lees
Gary, Deborah, Sean and Isabella


Roberta said...

Dear Deborah, Gary, Sean and Isabella,

Happy New Year to all of you. It was fantastic following your journey and now you are home. We all wish you the very best of health and happiness as you enjoy this amazing time.
Love, Cousin Roberta and family

Genece said...

Hello Deborah and Gary,
Don't ask me how I found your blog as I'm not sure exactly where I got the link from, but I'm glad I did. Seems we were in-country at the same time and just missed each other. We were another CAI family and Mario was our favorite driver also... very closely followed by Reynel. We were the family coming in from Cucuta just the day before you left out. We were fortunate enough to get all business taken care of and leave Bogota on December 22nd. We stayed at Betty's Place instead of Hotel Paris and that managed to set our agency rep off into a tizzy, but we were extremely pleased with our choice of accomodations while in Bogota.

We have a blog and have been journaling occasionally since we've returned home. Can you believe how time flies? It's so hard to believe it's been over 6 months now! If you'd like to follow our blog, it's at

Take care and may God bless your family!