Friday, March 14, 2008

Springtime with Friends

Everyone says that when you have children time flies. Well, they are right. I can't believe that it has been more than a month since we posted. The month of February flew by. We had a lot of fun times with the kids - in the middle of cold/flu season. haha Unfortuntely both kids got sick this month and so did Gary. But "Mommy" stayed healthy - so Mommy took care of everyone. However, thankfully all of that has passed and we were able to have a fun weekend last weekend. Our entire family took a trip to Tampa for our adoption agency's annual picnic. It was so nice see so many of our "Colombian Family". We even went a day early so that we could get together with a few friends for dinner the night before. We had a great time seeing everyone, and of course watching the kids play. It was also nice to be able to introduce Isabella to everyone. It's hard to believe she is seven-months-old now!

As usual, here are some recent pictures of the kids. We hope you enjoy them:

Isabella posing with Daddy

Isabella not posing with Mommy (aka -distracted by a light)

Sean showing off his big muscles

What Mom?

Serious Sean

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see y'all in a couple of weeks; the kiddos are getting sooo big! Give my Angel and Goofus McGee kissy, kissys for me Love Grandmommy